get back to blogging! :D WHEEE! I'm finally back yo!
I'm currently skyping Isaac Ho. Again. ;D My next post is
gonna be dedicated to my awesome buddies. Stay tuned.
Cos i will most probably be completing the post tonight.
Teehee. Now for the awesome screenshots. ;D
Hahahahah! Laughed like hell when we did faces. :P I
couldn't help being perasan as usual. ;DDD
Isaac's coming to KL! YAY! But not sure will i be able to
meet him up or not. :/ Busy this hols. Oh well. Had a hell
of a time tonight. Thanks Isaac! I hope your fund raising
plan works out. (:
Isaac is currently raising funds of the amount of RM7000.
:D Wish him luck man! (:
Next post, coming up. (: