Hellloooooh! Long time since i updated. Sorray..
Kay, so sorry to tell you guys i will not be blogging till
the holidays start. Unless i curi curi online lah. So yeah.
Sorry. This is my first post for 2011. :D The first thing i
did on 2011 was texting garlic bread (brandon) and... i
was clubbing with my relatives. Awesome like hell. LOL.
For the first time, i drank margarita cocktail (please take
note, cocktail, not mocktail. ;D), and my cousin forced me
to drink some beer. Cos my dad say can. hahah. I had
the night of my life. Actually it wasn't night, more of
morning actually. We left the bar at 4am. teehee.
Lazy to post pictures on that. :P
School... Is awesome as usual. Except for the sports part.
I don't like sports. Don't like veggie too. That's why i'm
unhealthy. But i don't care. hahah. XieYi and i plan to join
TaiChi for beruniform cos i don't think i have anything else
to go to. hahah. Our form teacher is Mr. Humblilizer or
something like that. Mr. Wong K. K. Apparently, he once
taught in Aminuddin Baki (garlic bread's school. :P) before.
Cool eh? He kept going on and on and on about being
a humble life long learner and about his daughter. I think he's
kinda awesome with his philosophies but i cannot stand
it when he starts talking about his study pathway and some
other crap. So yeah. Chel said by the end of the year we'll
have SKY HIGH tolerance for bullcrap. She said some
thing like that. :D Overall we got cool teachers. :)
Lydia missed a week of school already. Hope she comes
back faster so i won't miss her. Hahah. I'm adapting to
morning session really fast actually, cos i was in morning
session in form one. :) Time passes really fast in morning
session compared to afternoon session. Weird. I can
concentrate better in class this year. At least at the first
week of school lah. :) Stupid PJ class change to one class
only, follow the other schools. haih. Oh and i pinned up
my hair for school. Cos my fringe is too long, tired of
dodging discipline teachers. Then i changed my plans, i'll
be teman-ing kath to put down my fringe once a week.
Not sure why i'm doing that but yeah. hahah.
Anyways, school is awesome. Btw, i'm gonna be training
back my stamina cos i'll be joining back fencing at the end
of the year. :D Yay! Miss going to competitions and stuff. :)
I still hate running tho. :P
That's all for now. The world has a gazillion possibilities,
one minute you meet the guy of your life, you might lose
him the next minute, or just in a blink of an eye. Appreciate.
Don't have expectations too high.
Tiffany-Barney signing off.
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